Novel Non-Contact, Drone Based technology for Pipeline Movement Assessment
Novel Non-Contact, Drone-Basedtechnology for Pipeline MovementAssessment Novel Non-Contact, Drone-Basedtechnology for Pipeline MovementAssessment Novel Non-Contact, Drone-Basedtechnology for Pipeline MovementAssessment Josh Pendleton, VP Sales US In North America, there are more than 800 000 miles of gas and liquid gathering, midstream and transmission pipelines and 2.3 million miles of gas distribution pipelines that deliver energy to local […]
Non-Contact, Drone-Based Technology for Movement Assessment
KELLA BENNANI, H., MIAOHANG, H., LAICHOUBI, M., STASSE, F., Skipper NDT, France, HART, J.D., SSD, Inc., Reno, NV USA, and FATHI, A., Enbridge Based on its R&D experience, Skipper NDT decided in 2019 to address pipeline geolocation and strain assessment using UAS. This effort has provided a 2.2-kg and a 160-cm wide embedded system that […]
New Approach to Pipeline Detection
Luigi Kassir and Josh Pendleton Skipper NDT, discusses the drawbacks of manual methods for detecting and locating abandoned pipelines and wells, providing a new solution system that combines several sensors to acquire precise magnetic data. The US is home to over 2 million decommissioned or abandoned oil and gas wells, alongside thousands of miles of […]
Disrupting Geohazard Management
Mehdi Laichoubi, CTO, and Hamza Kella, R&D Simulation Engineer at Skipper NDT Natural disasters such as earthquakes, flooding, and hurricanes have a devasting impact on communities. They destroy not only above-ground infrastructure, but also buried infrastructure such as pipelines. After hurricane Ida struck the coastline of Louisiana in 2021, oil spills of several miles long […]
Magnetic Mapping: The Skipper NDT team, France, explores magnetic technology for remote mapping of pipelines at river crossings
The Skipper NDT Team Locations where pipelines cross rivers require special attention to ensure continued safe operation without leakage that can pollute water supplies on which local communities, livestock, and wildlife depend. Skipper NDT has developed a magnetic technology to support the pipeline industry for the inspection and monitoring of assets in complex and critical […]
Non-Contact, Drone-Based Technology for Movement Assessment
KELLA BENNANI, H., MIAOHANG, H., LAICHOUBI, M., STASSE, F., Skipper NDT, France, HART, J.D., SSD, Inc., Reno, NV USA, and FATHI, A., Enbridge Based on its R&D experience, Skipper NDT decided in 2019 to address pipeline geolocation and strain assessment using UAS. This effort has provided a 2.2-kg and a 160-cm wide embedded system that […]
Pipeline 3D-Positioning at River Crossing: Long-Range Magnetic Via Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
Mehdi M. LAICHOUBI, M. Eng.; Ludovic BERTHELOT; Vincent BENET , M. Eng.; Miahong HU, M. Eng.; Aadam OUBELHADJ , M. Eng; Marouan KOUEK, M.Eng; Samir TAKILLAH, M. Eng., PhD; Michel PINET Pipeline networks traverse modern societies’ national territories and can be located in areas difficult to access, making maintenance logistically challenging and potentially dangerous for […]
3D-Localisation and Magnetic Mapping of Buried Pipelines Using Unmanned Aerial system (UAS)
Mehdi M. LAICHOUBI , M. Eng.; Ludovic BERTHELOT ; Vincent BENET , M. Eng.; Miahong HU, M. Eng., Bruno MACCHABEE ; Michel PINET ; Pierre SROCZYNSKI ; Samir TAKILLAH , M. Eng., PhD Pipeline incidents related to third-party work around the world reached a peak last year. About 30% of reported incidents were due to […]
Pinpointing the right location
Mehdi M. Laichoubi and Sylvain Decombe Buried pipelines are the most secure and efficient means to transport vital resources for our communities. A precise mapping of such infrastructures is a critical input to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) used to ensure the safety and integrity of these networks. The safety impact of such information is twofold: […]
Automatic 3D – Localisation of Buried Pipeline and Depth of Cover : Magnetic investigation under operational conditions
Mehdi M. LAICHOUBI, M. Eng ; Marc MUNSCHY, PhD ; Samir TAKILLAH, PhD ; Sylvain DECOMBE, M. Eng ; Vincent BENET, M. Eng ; Aude LABROSSE ; Damien LEFEBVRE Pipeline operators need to 3D-geolocalize their buried pipelines for two main reasons: to update their network’s Geographic Information System and for safety considerations, in particular to […]