

A software for our data analysts

Orion is our internal software solution used by our data analysts to process the acquired raw data through proprietary algorithms.

It can be used for a multitude of data processings such as the detection of buried pipeline, bending strain assessment and detection of abandoned wells among other applications


Need for Orion

Orion allows our analyst to create detailed and precise digital twin in the GIS standard. It represents the consolidation of our knowledge in the matter of magnetic data processing and offers access to our most advanced algorithms and methods.


Utilization 1

Creation of 2D digital twins

Through Orion, our data analysts are able to create precise 2D digital twins in standard GIS formats. The data can then be consulted through any standard GIS software such as QGIS or ArcGIS.


Utilization 2

Creation of 3D digital twins

Our data analysts can use Orion to create high fidelity 3D digital twins. Orion also allows for the integration of other 3D data such as bathymetric or ortho-photo data.